Saturday, February 11, 2006

Seat and Pole Hogs

We live in a society where seats on the T are so few and so coveted. Every day, we spend our weary commutes in constant search for the next place to rest our tired bones. So many people, so few seats. That's the bottom line. So why is it, then, that there still exists a breed of greedy people in Boston I have dubbed...The Seat and Pole Hogs.

Seat and Pole Hogs exist in the lowest rung of the ethical ladder. They are the people that exhibit more greed than Dick Cheney at an OPEC conference. They feed off the pain of others. They sip from the chalice of evil and savor every minute of it.

So what do these vile Seat and Pole Hogs do that would warrant my scorn?

First, I'll start with the Seat Hogs. They operate in a few different ways. One way is that they'll get on a T at the beginning of its route; for example: government center, lechmere, or conversely cleveland circle, boston college, etc. Basically they'll get on the T when it's empty, take one of the two seats at a "two-seater" and then put they're backpack/suitcase/shopping bag on the adjacent seat. Depending on far they're traveling on that line, they are barring other passengers from sitting down in that potentially empty seat. They're making a human being suffer just so they're H&M bag is comfy.

The second Seat Hog tactic occurs when the T is crowded. Everyone is standing up. A seat opens up, but then the person sitting next to the newly available seat immediately puts his belongings down to claim the empty seat. Same principle: does your backpack deserve the seat more than Grandpa O'Malley? I don't think so.

Observe figure A to the right: the green squares represent seats, the black dots represent normal, thoughtful passengers. The red dot is a Seat Hog! See, he has the gaul to put his nice little blue backpack next to him, preventing that nice young woman from getting a seat (Angry Standing Passenger).

The third way of Seat-Hogdom is slightly more subtle, more stealthy. Rather than putting a bag or possession in the adjacent seat, this person will spread his legs really wide apart so both of his knees encroach on the seats next to him. By doing this, any potential sitters feel awkward to sit down because they'd inevitably have to touch Mr. LegSpreader. Or, the person sitting will even be so bold to put one of their feet up on the adjacent seat and block it entirely! This isn't your buddy's rumpus room. You can't just "claim" seats by putting your poo-covered boot onto it.

There have been many times that my commute has been ruined by Seat Hogs. So what could be worse than the Seat Hog? The Pole Hog.

You usually witness the Pole Hog on those crowded early morning rushes on an inbound train. All the seats are taken. In fact, every inch of the train is taken. Those poor souls standing are forced to reach out for a pole like a 1920's New York newsboy reaching out at the bread-line for a scrap of sustenance. It's bad enough that you have to stand for 40 minutes straight on a crowded train at 8 in the morning. It's even worse when there's some douche who's hogging the entire pole.

The Pole Hog will often be some corporate clown who feels that he must read a newspaper on the ride to work. Since he'll need both hands free to read said paper, he'll lean his entire peacoat-adorned-back onto the whole length of the pole. By doing so, he blocks anyone else from grabbing it.

Why do people feel the need to prevent people from sitting next to them? Are people really that afraid of human contact? Are they that oblivious to how much it makes them look like an asshole?


Blogger Mike Hillwig said...

I've noticed another type of person on the silver line. They sit where your seat hogs would put the backpack, meaning that inside seat is empty, but they refuse to move. This denies you the opportunity to sit in an otherwise empty seat.

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen long arguments about this very topic. According to people who either put bags on seats or sit in the outer seat, leaving the inner one open, they will actually let you sit there, but only if you ask. According to them, they do not mind if someone sits there, but they will not go out of their way to make it easy for someone. Apparently they lack the ability to tell that someone wants to sit there unless that person explicitly asks them. I think they do this because they have some sort of ego problem... making people ask them for permission gives them a cheap thrill or something. I say to you and to everyone: Glare at these people as much as possible and if you do decide to ask them to move their bag or themselves, make sure to be as rude as possible. Either that or be so disgustingly nice that maybe, just maybe, they will almost feel bad about it.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The seat hogs in Germany are much worse. Each seat are are facing another 2 like so [ ] [ ]. Putting bags up is more common, and even though these seats are much bigger than the T ones. The other promlem is that they spread there legs out very far and since they are facing another seat, the person that would be sitting there cannot because there is absoulutly no leg room. On the Bredas, the back pack thing is a little bit harder I think, having seats adjacent.

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pole Hogs are a massive pet peeve of mine. I often slide my hand between their backs and the pole, which is not very popular. I also dislike the people who clog up access to the middle of the car on the Red Line. They'll stand at the pole closest to the door, and you have to wedge your way through to get into the empty space in the car.

11:48 AM  
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6:38 AM  
Blogger NegroPino™ said...


2:50 PM  
Blogger sara said...

Tyler, you should turn on 'comment verification' so these spammers won't leave comments.

That said, Seat Hogs and Pole Hogs used to be the bane of my existence. Until I realized that there is something worse, something that I hope you will never encounter in all its wrath: Road Hogs.

I am a driver now, and I would give anything to be back in the world of people hogging seats and poles. At least there's only a very tiny chance these people will kill you!

Road Hogs, on the other hand, are hell on wheels. They ride the shoulder. They honk the second right before the light turns green (to make sure you're alert and ready to go). They turn left after six cars have turned left after the light has turned red, making you miss your arrow. They are dangerous and scary, and usually not even late! They just enjoy the thrill, I think, of hogging the road.

Seat Hogs are a little snobby, and Pole Hogs are just oblivious. But nothing is as bad as Road Hogs.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no problems with these jacjasses. My favorite moment was when a BU student tried to do that to me. I grabbed her backpack and threw if out the door. Two seats instantly became availabe as she chased her bag and I took one of the seats to wild applause from other T riders.

7:37 PM  
Blogger ZantiMissKnit said...

I also hate when the Pole Hog hogs the pole I am holding on to, crushing my fingers. What about people who get a handfull of your hair while grasping the back of your seat? Or getting hit in the head with someone's backpack?

3:34 PM  
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10:27 PM  

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