Saturday, November 12, 2005

"The Reflection Check-Out"

It's late. You're riding home on the T after a long laborious day at work. Suddenly, out of the monotony of the trip, a beautiful face walks through the doors into the train. Wow. She or He is pretty attractive. You want to take a longer look at them, just to size them up. Or, maybe a completely different type of person enters the T: a crazy lady with a glass eye, a psycho who's talking to himself, or perhaps even the occasional white-collar type with a bad toupee. Whether its the first scenario or the second, the fact is that you want to make a long examination of that person's face or body.

You have three options. First, you could do the "Awkward Stare". This technique is for only the most shameless of human beings. As the name suggests, this method entails looking directly at the target person for as long as the observer desires. Although the most effective method in theory, this method creates the largest residual "sketch-out" factor. The target will often look away, walk to a different part of the train, ask you to stop, or in some extreme cases grab your head by the hair and slam your face against the wall repeatedly until you scream for mercy. That only happened to me once, I swear.

Your second option is the "Stealth Stare." This method, although yielding less satisfaction, is more socially acceptable. You'll pretend to be looking at your book or shoelaces, but at key moments you'll yawn, take out your cell phone, look at your watch, etc. As you're doing this, you'll "accidentally" pass your eyes over the target person, getting a quick glimpse at their beauty/abnormality.

The third option is perhaps the most ingenious. It's also the most dangerous. I dub this third method "The Reflection Check-Out." As a warning, this method is for only the most experienced riders; novices need not attempt. Instead of looking directly at the person, you use the darkened T window as a reflector. In doing so, it appears as if you are innocently looking out the window at the dirty concrete that is passing by. In theory, you can stare as long and as much as you want with any residual "sketch-out". The only downfall of this is that the quality of the reflected image is quite poor in comparison to the "Awkward Stare." As I said before, though, this method is not without peril.

As with any reflection, whatever you can see in the reflection can see you in return. In other words, if you're looking at someone reflected in the window, they could see you back if they happened to look at the window too. This phenomenon is illustrated in figure 1. This is the worst way to be caught looking at someone. Therefore, the reflection check-out can yield possibly the greatest results but with the greatest risk involved. If you did ever get caught doing this, you'll probably get a dirtier look than the one that the smarmy Newbury Comics employee gave you that time you had to buy an Ashlee Simpson CD "as a gift". All you can do is avert your gaze and pretend that the whole thing never happened.

As with anything in life, you must use discretion when undertaking any of these three techniques. As my Mom always said, "It's not polite to stare." But then again, my Mom never rode on the T.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

were you drunk when you wrote this?

2:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I prefer the "Awkward Stare". Yeah, I'm shameless...

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stare people in the eye until they look away or nod hello. Gooood times bad times. How about a post on T-GRAFFITI?

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

building on what matt said, a fourth option, which i have tried in some instances is to let the world know your staring. When the person comes on board, you start with the awkward stare, and then they look at you. You continue and continue. The person would think either of two things, both extremes. The first extreme is that the person thinks you are physically hurt in the head. In th end this is OK cause its a valid excuse and the person will see it as regular. (I mean no offense to anyone with brain defisionsies) The second is that they will laugh about it. When someone stares at you, they cant pretend like it didn't happen, so it could even start conversation.

The one time I tried it, i got the hurt in the head response, but i saw someone else do it who talked with the person for the rest of the ride. Next time the opportunity arises, i will try the stare as long as possible method again.

and another thing, when it has been long enough, its OK to laugh back or something. Around 4-6 seconds after the person stares at you, you can stop staring.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

To answer the first question: no i was not drunk when i wrote this...wait. was i?

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. That's exactly what I do. I am a master of the reflection check-out.

The trick is to be on a side opposite to the direction they're looking. So even if they are turning towards the window, you'll have plenty of warning before what I like to call "crossing of the beams"*.

* Never cross the beams! ;P

12:22 AM  
Blogger Sassy said...

I do this ALL THE TIME!!!

3:30 PM  
Blogger sara said...

I think there's a huge difference in staring privileges between people sitting and people standing. When I am sitting, I have total permission to stare at the standers. After all, they're standing! They are on show, for the world to see! EVERYONE looks at the standers!

But when I am standing, I look down. I look up. I look at ads. Somehow, the permission doesn't carry over. When I am standing, everyone gets to look at ME. And I don't get to look at anyone.

This is why it's important to get a seat.

12:59 PM  
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